Random Musing #3

I caught ‘Eat.Pray.Love’ this afternoon for the hundredth time. I love the book as well as the movie and while I’m still skeptical about concepts like God and religion, I resonate with the tone and messages of the line of thought presented in the movie.

You know how when you watch a movie for the umpteenth time and find something new to make sense to you? Well, this quote at the very end of the movie did that to me today.

eat pray

I have always wanted to go away to another country at the very least for a few years, just to find myself in a new place. Oh yes, and I also have wanted to get a Master’s degree. With that being said, I also find myself worried about the exorbitant costs and the financial burden it might land me in. I honestly do not have an airtight plan on how I will make it happen, but I know I will.

I cannot bear to wake up at 40 wishing that I had just gone and fulfilled my desire to go away and live by myself, start afresh and give myself the opportunity to a new life. And honestly, we all have these desires that we want to fulfill with every inch of our being – but so often we’re scared.

I hope that each of you find the courage and passion to pursue what your heart longs for. I hope you find in yourself the strength it takes to dream, to dream big.

Until next time.


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