Nothing owed to nobody

This post is for the ones who are not nearly anything like their family.

It is not your fault that you are different. It is not your fault that you believe in something much different than what you were programmed to believe. You are not flawed for wanting a different direction to your life. You are not betraying your family if you choose to have a different career, profession, relationship, appearance or anything else that does not seem to be in tandem with what has been expected of you.

It is okay for you to put your own passions, beliefs, needs, wants, emotions, goals and aspirations before those of anybody else – family included. By being different or standing up to your family, your parents you do not disrespect them or love them any less. No. You are simply protecting your own self first. And please do not beat yourself up because of that – self-preservation is ingrained in our fundamental being, family and other social bonds come later.

I hope you are able to fight through the guilt, the pain, the disappointment, the shame and any other despair you may experience because you choose something that those closest to you deem as improper. I hope you always remember that you are your first priority and that doing what makes you happy shouldn’t have to be so difficult. I hope you remember that you are valid, wanted and very important.

Maybe I do not know you or your life, but I do know that things will be alright. Listen to your gut and don’t do anything unless it is what you want – unwavering and absolute.

Wish you all the very best. You’re a warrior and I’m incredibly proud of you, whoever you are.

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